Journaling has created a buzz in the wellness world - for good reason. Putting pen to paper and writing down your thoughts can help to clear the mind, release buried emotions, process events and set your imagination free. Journaling can help you to tune into your inner self to help you think and act with more clarity and bring balance into your life. But, if you haven’t journaled before, staring at a blank page can be daunting.
Love the idea of journaling but don't know where to start?
Here, journalist and retreat host, Amisha Desai, shares three writing tips to help you get started:
Brain dump: Literally write down exactly what is in your mind in that current moment. Don’t think. Don’t worry if it sounds like nonsense. Just let the words flow out of the pen.
Gratitude list: Keep a notebook by your bed, and every night before you go to sleep, write a list of the things that you are grateful for that day. It could be as simple as, ‘I’m grateful for the sun coming out and warming my face when I had my lunch outside.’ Not only is this a beautiful way to nurture mindfulness and living life in the moment, but will also help you to get into the habit of writing from the heart. When you are having a bad day, you can look back at the pages for an instant mood booster.
Write creatively about a memory: Pick a moment from your life and write about it in as much detail as possible. For example, if you’re having a conversation with someone, describe the place you were in, what you were both wearing, what you could smell at the time, what you could hear. Be creative in your descriptions. Using your imagination is not just for kids - it is a vital tool to help you to create a vision for your life, and anticipate any problems that might arise. Writing creatively can help to set your imagination free.
We are hosting retreats on a regular basis that will help you to embrace your personal story, let go of self limiting beliefs and script the life you want through writing, yoga, art, meditation, movement and music. You are invited to check out our retreat calendar to find a retreat that suits your needs.
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